This quote from this book… keeps haunting me. It’s no surprise that it is a Yoko Ono statement… but yeah.
Choosing careers over families may seem fine, but by choosing career, people are choosing the corporation. Their heart is not anywhere but with the company. The more devoted workers are promoted. They’re really turning into more efficient components.
We have basic human feelings, right? The body. Women have the womb. But to compete we deny those feelings. A woman has to deny what she has, her womb, if she wants to make it. It’s a deception: the Madison Avenue slick woman as the “free” woman.
The book is actually full of complicated thoughts that feel very relevant. At the core of the interview is a conversation about John Lennon and his desire to be the house-husband, and to make bread (a lot of talking about making bread). It feels very contemporary, and yet it was an interview from a year before he was shot. The embracing of the feminine feels very primary in the interview. And I am just sort of letting my mind rest there.
Also. here are some other books that I really love lately:
The intro to this book is particularly insightful.
The artist, Simone Gad, recently passed away. I remember having a studio visit with her that was beyond influential. This video says so much about her.
And the book below is a play that she wrote & performed: Molested at the Movies … there is a lot that is raw and open and of an era.