I have spent a lot of time in the past months trying to keep up with all the on-line theatre… for the most part it has been disappointing. But somehow my colleague stumbled upon this wonderful company, Big Telly, and they really made theatre- theatre that felt live. And ever since I watched their production of “The Tempest”, I have been made happy by the fact that we are engaging in a new artistic dialogue, and it is one that considers audience, and it considers design, and meaning. I proceeded to watch their next show, Operation Elsewhere, and was equally satisfied. They will have a new production coming in June. How are they working so fast, and still getting amazing results? How are they making work that is not about Covid, but it is? There is a lot that is stirring in the world. I am glad to be in touch with so many things… but it is the actual touch that I miss, and somehow, while watching the work from this company, I did not feel like I had to miss anything.