Of all of the things that flow through the mind currently, it seems silly to try to reckon with all the unfinished business … but there are things in the pipeline that just might have to exist in an unfinished form… that is just the state of things. I am wondering about all of your projects that have been put on hold in definitely, and whether we can create a space for those images and thoughts to gather. I have a wall that is waiting to be built but is probably only going to remain an imprecise drawing of my vision. this imprecise drawing also got me to thinking about a design I did many many years ago for a show by Tennessee Williams, “Masks Outrageous”. The play was unfinished when Williams died, but many people were eager to take up the gauntlet and try to get it its premiere. One of the first producers behind this idea came to me. and asked for a design. I (with my husband) remember designing a really elaborate and exciting set… but the show never went forward. Eventually, however, there was a production of it. The unfinished got finished… just without my design. I still have those designs on some old hard drive somewhere that I am hoping to unearth… Until then, send me your unfinished projects and maybe we can collectively move them into something else that is not exactly tangible but … collaborative.